The chapter title for today is:
This has probably been the most difficult and rewarding day of the whole challenge.
Last night as I was falling asleep, I had a meeting with archangel Nathaniel, and received guidance to run the workshop I was invited to run in London on the 17th Feb, instead of attending the Cacao Ceremony as planned - on the same day, same time.
The guidance was very clear, and the visit with AA Nathaniel was good. He gave me clear instructions on what to do as part of the workshop, and which meditations to use, etc.
This morning I decided that I definitely didn't want to do as AA Nathaniel had suggested, even though in the Charles Virtue meditation I did yesterday I invited AA Nathaniel to direct me on my path. I decided that I absolutely must attend the Cacao Ceremony.
All day I've been battling myself about this. I felt like I was going nuts, as I always do when ignoring my guidance.
By early afternoon I felt like crawling out of my skin. I needed to move after being still for almost three days straight, so went for a walk around my park.
It was lovely, mild weather. Blue sky, a few puffy clouds. A perfect spring afternoon. I made a beeline for the snowdrop grotto, and took pics of the little white-capped pilgrims, spreading eagerly across the ground. I stood for a while soaking up the fresh spring energy around me.
Not caring what the women playing tennis in the court beside me were thinking, I stared aimlessly at the delicate white flowers surrounding my feet. I picked my way cautiously through the blossoming beauties, so I wouldn't hurt any of them with my rainbow snowboots.
As I left the park, I asked for a clear sign about what I should do on the 17th, and at that exact moment my friend, who I had called and left an answer machine message with a few days ago, to see if he fancied coming to the ceremony, returned my call.
Im still not sure what to do.
The walk in the park put me en route to vortex alignment. I went home and did a session on Just Dance (another thing I've not done for a few days), and felt even better.
Then I listened to ego, and started sorting the bills and bank papers into their new filing system. Big mistake. Took me swiftly into fear mode. Argh.
I had thought id get the same sense of satisfaction I had achieved when sorting my diaries and notebooks the other day. But unfortunately it had the opposite effect, and my mood plummeted back to darkness.
I kept reminding myself that because of the work I've been doing, my vibration is much higher, therefore I will be more aware of the subtle deviations in my relationship with my Source.
I have done well to validate myself, even through the low vibration mood. I kept up a good stream of reassurance that, although I didn't particularly believe it, it stopped me from really indulging in perfectionsm and allowing the critic free reign.
Fortunately I didn't wallow in the mire and wrote some lists about how I would like to be feeling, then meditated for a while. Something I've not done much of since starting this challenge.
In one of the Abraham audios, they say that we should only meditate for 15 mins a day, that we should be living life rather than spending ages meditating. Since I've been doing the Getting Into The Vortex meditation every morning, I haven't done any during the day. That has been another error of mine. Silent meditation is important for my connection with my angels, and ability (and willingness) to hear them.
Coming to the end of the 15 mins silent meditation, I received two numbers; 333 and 777. I receive a lot of messages via numbers, so immediately looked them up on Doreen Virtue's
333: The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin and Yogananda.
777: The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.
Needless to say, these were a very encouraging messages, and my mood began to lift again.
I committed the rest of the day to raising my vibration, and it has been SO worth it! Right now I feel awesome.
To achieve the raise in my vibration, I did the following:
Went for a walk in the park.
Got honest, and talked about not wanting to follow the guidance I received, which helped me laugh about it, and let go of the resistance.
Messaged some friends and asked how THEY were feeling. (distracted myself from my head).
Made lists of key words and emotions I would like to feel instead.
Did some art.
Listened to lots of Abe.
Listened to lots of Jason Mraz.
Did some Positive Aspects writing.
Breathed deeply.
Drank plenty of water.
Asked the angels of the Universe for help getting closer to the proximity of my vortex.
Finally, I had a shower and relaxed. As Abraham says, the best part of being in the Vortex, is the part where you get in, and realise you're there. It is true deliciousness.
In fact I give thanks for every moment that I wallowed in misalignment today, because they helped me truly appreciate that deliciousness even more.
Contrast is perfect, for without it, I wouldn't know I was experiencing one thing as opposed to another. I wouldn't know to value anything, because it would all be much of a muchness. THAT is why Im here. To experience contrast and use it as the bouncing off place for my deliberate creating.
Jason Mraz in his Fabulouso song Life Is Wonderful expresses these sentiments eloquently this in this video:
Key words that will be my focus moving forward:
Now that this 30 day challenge is complete; extremely intense and successful as it has been.
What next?
A few of the Abe and Jason Mraz videos that helped me get out of the funk today:
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