My Nasal Guidance System (NGS) is something I manifested early on my journey to find happiness. Its like the SatNav or GPS in your car. A bespoke-in-built-system, constantly telling me my vibrational relationship with the Treasure: my True 'Seyi (my True Self).
The system is very simple and precise, as are all good navigation systems. And yet, I often have difficulty understanding what its telling me. Even more often than that, I think I know the best way to go, and completely ignore it. A bit like someone driving somewhere they've never been before, taking all the wrong turns, the SatNav's going nuts repeatedly asking them to take the next available u-turn, and they stubbornly get more lost.
Instead of that annoying voice in my head, my NGS is an irritating drip in my nose. Starting off with a subtle sniffle, the blockage increases in severity depending on how important the guidance is that Im ignoring/blocking, or how negative the thinking is that Im insisting on indulging in.
The sooner I take notice, the easier it is to get back into alignment. Sometimes I just cant, or don't want to hear my guidance. Sometimes I think Im going to be asked to do something I don't want to, or be guided away from doing something that I have got planned. That's when the frustration kicks in. The more frustrated I get, the further out of alignment I am.
This is old codependent behaviour, based on thinking I need to be in control of my life. Thinking I know best, and ego thinking its my higher power. Not trusting that I have a Higher Power Who is always lovingly taking care of me. Not trusting that Source has ALWAYS got my back.
In December 2007, having recently been introduced to The Secret and the teachings of Abraham, I started looking at the contents of my thoughts. Finding them chronically and predominantly negative, I asked the Universe for clear indicators of when I was lost in thought. I didn't specify how that should present itself. A friend of mine at the time did the same, and a vehicle with a siren blasting would drive past to wake her out of her negative revelry.
After a time, I noticed I was getting colds more frequently than usual. With extensive observation, I realised that anytime I wasn't aware, my nose would get blocked up. As soon as I focused on what I was thinking, the blockage would clear.
Some time later, when Id stopped smoking weed, my mind began clearing, and I started actively working with my angels. I began receiving guidance from them. This guidance comes to me in many ways, predominantly as gentle thoughts and knowingness. I am extremely clairesentient, and when I don't acknowledge my emotions, my body talks to me through various aches and pains. Louise Hay's book, You Can Heal Your Life is a good friend of mine.
It soon became apparent that not only would my nose run if I was thinking negatively, but also if I wasn't listening to my guidance.
Although it is a useful system, I find it frustrating. I still struggle accepting it. Even though I asked for it!
I get guidance on every aspect of my day to day life, from what to wear, to where to go and who to talk to. Even what to say.
A Course In Miracles prayer:
"What would You have me do? Where would You have me go? What would You have me say? And to whom?"
That is my prayer since studying the Course, and I always receive the answers. I don't always like them, and often don't want to follow the guidance, but I always receive the answers.
Every so often I go through a period of fine tuning, when my NGS is tuned into closer alignment with True 'Seyi. I usually get ill leading up to the tuning. I struggle so much, and resist my NGS, always thinking I should be doing something. My angels have to stop me in my tracks, so I can go through these changes in a restful state.
I hear my guidance best when I am still.
Im undergoing some fine tuning at the moment. And have been ill for a few days. Its very uncomfortable, however, I am truly thankful for it, because its what I asked for.
I am being fine tuned into closer alignment with True 'Seyi (my True Self). I want to be aligned with True 'Seyi. I want that more than anything else.
When I think thoughts that are even subtly out of whack with what True 'Seyi would think, I receive an immediate notification.
Its like a town crier saying:
Change your thinking. You are a powerful manifestor. You are attracting things that are filling in grids you won't want.
If you think this nose blockage is annoying, just think how annoyed you'll be when you manifest stuff you don't like.
The more important the guidance, or the further away my thoughts are from what True 'Seyi would think, the more persistent the discomfort and runny my nose gets.
At first, when I still believed in external "evil" things being able to affect me, I thought I was constantly under "spiritual attack." Or I thought it was punishment.
Now that I am understanding what its about, and what to do about it, I am committing to feeling appreciation for such a clear and accurate guidance system. One that is so persistent that I have to take notice. If I don't, I get ill. Not because something external is making me ill, but because the chronic ignoring of emotions creates energy blocks. And that creates physical dis-ease.
I am looking forward to discussing this with Abraham when I get in the Hot Seat.
"Nothing is more important than that I feel good right now." - Abe
In order to release the blockage I sit still and ask for clarity. Sometimes I need to do some affirmations to change the negative thinking, sometimes I just breathe and have a drink of water. Im still learning what to do, and how to read my NGS.
With each fine tuning it changes, so I am going to do it differently this time and sit with my angels tomorrow. Im going to ask them to teach me how to use it properly and what to do.
I listened to a brilliant Charles Virtue session today, and it has reminded me that I have so much help out there, that I need to use to make my life easier and flow as it should.
I give thanks for, and appreciate my NGS and would love to hear about how you are guided and how you know when you're not listening. And more importantly, how you know when you are xxx
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