just over a month ago, on January 4th, I listened to an Abraham Hicks video on YouTube, about how to really commit to being a deliberate manifestor by removing your attention from reality, and spending 30 days focusing into your vortex of creation.
Since I am an avid Abrahamster, I thought it sounded like a great idea, and would be an interesting experiment. I assumed I would completely transform my life during those 30 days.
Commencing on the 5th of January, I was guided to blog my progress.
It wasn't called a challenge for no reason, it was hard. I didn't think it would be quite so tough to be honest. When Abraham says that life shows you what you need to work on, they are not joking!
I have learnt so much about myself, my thought processes, and beliefs over the last 30 days, that I could spend the next 30 years working on them if I didn't know how easy it Is to move up the emotional scale just a little bit every day. That's one of the things I love about Abraham's teachings. It isn't possible to get from depressed to joy in one step, and they acknowledge that. What is important is to just find relief and not wallow in the low vibration emotions for too long. That is one of the many important messages that was missing from 'The Secret'.
I followed the instructions on the video as best I could, but found it difficult to remove my attention from reality in an authentic way. I found that I was taking my attention off it, but unconsciously I was still worrying about things. or beating myself up.
Each week presented a fresh vibrational issue requiring immediate raising vibration attention. And each issue, I worked through successfully combining the tools and processes offered in the book Ask And It Is Given with EFT, and angels, and Louise Hay affirmations, and outreach calls. And lots of writing to get clear on what I was feeling and where I wanted to place my focus instead.
During the challenge I used up almost four notepads:
° Writing Positive Aspects - mine, my son, my nephew, family of origin, my home etc
° Documenting the evidence of support from my angels of the Universe
° Manifestations
° Documenting evidence that what I have been wanting is on the way
° Finding Better Feeling Thoughts
° Writing about what I was experiencing
It has been a very intense and interesting experience.
Main things I learnt about myself:
°I beat myself up a lot -perfectionsm
°When I beat myself up my skin gets bad
°When Im nice to myself my skin glows
°When I treat myself like a precious object it makes me strong (paraphrased from Julia Cameron's Artists Way)
°I easily focus my body back into alignment with my natural state of Well-Being
°I have a better relationship with my vortex body than my vortex money
°My inner child is very afraid of me succeeding and attaining a level of financial security and freedom - uncomfortable because it is unknown
°I push and resist "what is" which creates resistance in my relationship with my vortex
°I still find it hard identifying what Im feeling and saying to myself unconsciously - especially when my inner child has been triggered
One of the several big things I learnt about myself is that I am amazing, that I am worthy and that I am a very powerful manifester. At one point I was literally manifesting things, into physical reality, within hours of thinking about them.
You can see my progress in previous posts.
I admit there was some disappointment today, (which is an up stream comment I know, but that's where I was at today). I had expected to come out the other end a multi millionaire, with the career of my dreams, and possibly a husband in tow. However, what I got was confirmation that although its all on the way. And Im SO on the right track. I have just a bit more vibrational clearing to do before Im aligned and ready to receive the things I've placed in my vortex over the duration of this, and many previous treasure hunts.
After listening to yet another brilliant Abraham session, I realised today that that's ok. There's no rush. My vortex ain't going anywhere. I can take my time, and be very loving and gentle with myself about this process of change. Because when I beat myself up, I move upstream. When I get into old behaviours and stories, I move upstream.
I finally understand how important it is to listen to my NGS is very important, and that there is truly NOTHING more important than that I actively seek ways to relieve the resistance Im feeling in each moment.
I now have a list of which tools work for me, and Im gunna use them.
I also understand that I can never get it wrong. That no matter what state Im in, Im always in the right place. When Im noticing contrast, and really focusing on the reality of what I don't want, I am powerfully sending more pockets of what I do want into my vortex. And when I release the resistance, and start moving up the emotional scale towards my vortex, I am in a state of allowing what I want to manifest into my present reality. This Law of Attraction business is win win really when you think about it.
Now that I get the theory, which I really do. I am ready to be a physical example for those around me. Not to show them "oooh look at me, look at what I can do." But to show them the possibilities of allowing myself to be All that I have become in my vortex.
My True 'Seyi. The treasure I have been seeking all of my life.
I am exactly where I am meant to be. And I am eager and excited for what is on the way.
The following are the processes I used during the 30 day challenge (the ones I have written with capital letters at the beginning of each word in the sentence are from Ask And It Is Given):
° Moving Up The Emotional Scale using writing - Finding A Better Feeling Thought
° Forking
° Listening to Abraham Hicks on YouTube a LOT
° Creating beautiful art
° Sharing how I was feeling with friends
° Crying a LOT - there's massive relief in crying particularly from anger and frustration
° Dancing
° Singing
° Prosperity Game - brilliant at first until I ran out of things I wanted to buy (need to work on my mid range spending imagination - the extreme amounts are easy, but where Im at at the moment - £20,000's - are hard work cos I've bought most everything I want and need)
° Virtual Reality Game
° Scripting
° Laughing
° Napping
° EFT (emotional freedom technique)
I did my best to complete this challenge how Abraham laid it out in the audio, but the way I managed was right for me.
I was sent a curve ball somewhere in the middle of the challenge, which almost took me out of the game, but I pulled through, and have come out the other end vibrating at a higher rate than I have for a long time. Probably since I was a young girl. I have been fine tuned to a closer vibrational frequency to my True 'Seyi.
WHAT'S NEXT? You might wonder. Well, Im going to continue practicing focusing on where Im heading, rather than on what is old news - current reality. And Im going to work, every day, on releasing resistance to my full alignment.
What I have been looking for all my life is True 'Seyi. I am the treasure, and the little pieces of me I gather along the hunt, are the prize.
I will be gentle and loving with myself, and really nurture Princess 'Seyi. Acknowledging all emotions, good and bad, so we can move up The Emotional Scale together.
To get current, I awoke this morning feeling anxious about money. And although id done my best to feel good before I went out to do the weekly food shop, I still felt full of anxiety. Before I left out I said a little prayer, and thanked my angels for going ahead of me and helping me.
On my walk up the road, I kept seeing a taxi drive past with 222 on. As you may know by now, my angels talk to me a lot through numbers, and I use Doreen Virtue's Angel number directory on Spiritlibrary site to explain or confirm their meanings.
I got home from shopping feeling tense and agitated. I had a good cry and rant, working my way up the emotional scale by getting angry and blaming someone else for how bad I feel about money, and my financial situation.
Eventually I calmed down and checked out the Angel number meaning, and felt very reassured and encouraged. Everything is perfect as it is, and everything is unfolding in perfect timing. Not my timing, perfect timing. Which is perfect.
"222: Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved."
I cant get this wrong, and I never get it done. So I might as well enjoy the treasure hunt.
Thanks Abraham.
Some videos that have helped today:
Interesting thoughts about your experience. I'm on my second day of 30-day challenge and I liked your thought about how your skin glows when you treat yourself nicely. For my experience, I have noticed that when I don't focus on Internet, Tv I feel much better physically, and that my body is very tired and wants to sleep, perhaps I am sleep deprived. I also have more energy to do things I have thought about doing, like cleaning things more or search for stuff that I have ignored for so long. Thank you for blogging on this.