What a marvellous journey this 30 day challenge is turning out to be! Especially considering I have barely left my house.
Today, I have been basking in my beautiful home. Lounging and pampering myself on my bi-monthly Moonday.
Honouring the natural part of myself affected by the lunar cycles, I take a day of rest on or as close to each new and full moon as possible. I call it my Moonday.
My son goes to stay at his dads, so I have a full 24 hours to myself. This is very important, as I need peace and space to do what I want, when I want.
I love Rebekah Shaman's lunar scope, that is delivered to my inbox a few days prior to each lunar phase. Her interpretation of the energy accompanying the cycle is always interesting and on-point. Check it out: http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?u=bf3182281c10722c7eea99902&id=2d7283547d&e=66cd9efebd
So, today, I have done my Abraham processes of finding better feeling thoughts, looking for positive aspects, and of course rampaging in appreciation of things. On top of those regular processes I have certain new moon processes I do. Yesterday it was the Capricorn new moon. These include:
1. Reading Rebekah Shaman's lunar scope and making notes in my Year Book of things that resonante with me, or that I want to be mindful of.
2. Affirming the goals and projects I will prioritize during the coming cycle - until the next new moon (it would make my life so much simpler if the calendar were lunar!)
3. Self care is the key concept of the moon day: resting, lying in bed just being still, meditating, reading nice gentle books, steaming my face, a big hot bath with lush body lotion afterwards, a face mask - today is honey, bicarbonate of soda mixed with a teaspoon of semolina gently rubbed onto face after steaming it with lavender infused water (you get the idea).
4. Documenting any Inspiration I receive. Taking small actions if guided to do so.
5. Personal oracle card reading from one or a selection of my decks. Today was from my ascended masters, as usual it was faboo.
6. Watching nice gentle films. A comedy or animated film.
7. Sleeping for at least a couple of hours in the afternoon.
8. Fasting until 6pm. I drink plenty of water and sometimes eat red grapes or sugar snap peas during the day if I feel like it. Today I had a banana at half 2.
Now, with all those processes and self caring tasks to get through, it may not sound like a most relaxing day. But I can assure you, it boosts me for the cycle ahead. I know how blessed I am that my life supports and enables me to have this time to myself.
When I first started on my journey, I found it almost impossible to relax, to be still. Giving myself just 2 days of resting and pursuing things I enjoy, is a massive achievement for me.
P.S. No work or homecare tasks allowed. The washing up will still be there tomorrow.
If I ruled the world Moonday's would be mandatory. Some kind of system could be devised.
Back to the challenge - evidence of my alignment to my vortex:
Yesterday I realised that I was being very heavy handed with myself, because my skin has been less than perfect. Last night while washing my face and body I promised myself that I wouldn't scrub at it, but instead id touch it with love and gentleness. I did that last night, and focused on how well the nose strip I had used had worked - my nose was particularly smooth and pleasing to touch - this morning the rashiness and blemishes had considerably diminished. It was awesome.
In a couple of weeks my sister will be moving into her new house which is practically around the corner from me.
One of my ascended masters for this month is Aengus, who helps us meet our twin flame. Exciting. I feel I still have some work to do on my vibration around romantic relationships, as this is the core of my codependency. I've a whole month to do it, which by using the Abraham teachings will be easy.
Happy happy happy days.
Abraham videos I have loved today:
Enjoy. Light and love from the vortex xxx
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