Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Abraham Hicks 30 day challenge: Day Twelve

Day twelve, and all is well on the Abraham Hicks 30 day challenge. In fact, all is better than well, all is AWESOME! (the word "awesome" said like a surfer dude).
Each day offers numerous opportunities to grow closer to God, my True Self. Miracles abound, and the evidence that I am "tuned in, turned on, and tapped in," most of the time, is abundant.
Rather than the metaphorical evidence I experienced yesterday when my debit card was blocked for "unusual spending activities," today the manifestation became physical.
One of the daily processes I do in the morning, is the Prosperity Game from Ask And It Is Given by Abraham, via Esther and jerry Hicks. I explained fully how to play it in a previous post. Basically, the purpose of the Game is to improve your feeling about spending money, and remove the tension many people experience when making financial decisions, which creates resistance, and therefore blocks the money in your vortex from coming to you.
Since playing the game regularly, I feel like I don't need money any more, and I don't worry about it running out. I know that I'll always get some more. Its been fun just spending whatever I want, and not thinking about how I'll pay the bills if I buy that holiday, or 20 expensive bras.
And because I use exactly the same accounting method I for my "real" finances, it feels really real.
I received £10,000 today, and bought something for someone that would change their life. It filled me with joy doing it for them. That purchase took all the money I had received that day, however, I had a bit left from the previous day (you're meant to try and spend all the money you receive on the same day, but you can save a bit if you like. Well. You can do what you want, its your game) that id carried forward, so purchased a few bits and bobs for myself. I totalled it up, then became aware I was resisting some guidance. But I ignored it, put the pad away and moved on to writing up some Positive Aspects. Fortunately the guidance persisted, so I breathed and listened, and remembered that I had decided to purchase a copy of the Getting Into The Vortex book/cd that day.
I checked how much was left in my Game account, and I had just over £30. I bought 3 copies, one each for me and my 2 children. Closed the book and thought nothing of how insistent my guidance had been about it.
After breakfast, I was getting ready to go to my first appointment of the day when the post came, and it sounded quite heavy, so I thought:
"hmmm, sounds like that big cheque I've been waiting for!" excited, I went to fetch the cheque, but it was something quite different.
An Amazon book box.
You guessed right, one of my fabulous Appreciation Game friends had ordered me a copy of the Getting Into The Vortex book/cd. And it came ON THE DAY I ordered it from the Universe!
I cried with happiness and appreciation. I don't need any more evidence of the Law of Attraction in action after that.
Couple of powerful pieces of evidence came later in the day:
All afternoon, and for much of the early evening I was stuck in fear/catastrophe thinking that I couldn't shift. I did the necessary writing in an attempt to raise my vibration. Eventually, as soon as I was able to focus more attention on the outcome I desired rather than the problem as I was projecting it, the issue literally dissolved and became irrelevant. I checked my twitter account just after I got the call confirming the issue had dissolved, the first one my eyes laid upon was:
ACIM Quotes (@ACIMquotes) tweeted at 3:57 PM on Wed, Jan 16, 2013:
"There is no home can shelter love and fear. They cannot coexist."
#ACIM #quotes (
Later on in the evening, while in the bath, I connected easily with my Vortex. For the first time I felt ready to move forward, and step into where Life is taking me. I felt absolutely worthy to succeed and that I am aligning  with Who I have become. My True 'Seyi.
Again, I cried. I acknowledged that the reason I had felt so envious of Gabrielle Bernstein was because she'd aligned with her True Self, and I had been resisting my own alignment, even though I knew that I wanted to run workshops, write my life story and give inspiring talks all over the world.
My True Self is a superstar spiritual coach, writer and speaker. During my time in my vortex, I understood that the discomfort I felt when I attended her workshop, and read Spirit Junkie was because my True Self recognized that Gabby is doing what my True Self is doing, and my physical self just hasn't caught up yet. I caught up last night.
In that moment of realisation I stepped into my True Seyi's fabulous shoes, and prepared to (my predictive text just put in run instead of walk) walk boldly where no one has gone before.
Because no one else has walked my journey. Only I can offer what I have to offer, and knowing that relieves any fear that I've left it too late, or that someone else can take my share of the "market."
This 30 day challenge is doing the final fine tuning required.
Here are some of the Abraham YouTubes that helped me today: HicksAbraham Hicks

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